May 9th, 2023
Call Chat History
00:20:07 Heidi: Hello ♥️
00:20:09 Matthew King: Hey Kyle!
00:20:22 Peter Peter: hey all! 👋
00:20:27 Matthew King: Rockin’ this MATIC trade
00:20:38 Jacob (JP1): it's Kyle again!!
00:20:52 Jacob (JP1): lots of face time lately. it's been great
00:21:06 Matthew King: Reacted to "lots of face time la..." with ❤️
00:25:43 TRDfarmer: GALA still hasn't hit December lows but I hope it does
00:27:19 VapingWithThesis: Replying to "GALA still hasn't hi..."
Fuck, you and me both
00:28:35 Heidi: I struggle with shorts too. would rather long
00:31:04 Matthew King: MATIC is about to break out of that range you drew earlier
00:31:06 Matthew King: just brok
00:31:34 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "I struggle with shor..." with 🔥
00:31:35 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "I struggle with shor..." with 🦦
00:31:44 VapingWithThesis: Replying to "MATIC is about to br..."
Good eye brother
00:33:49 TRDfarmer: Kyle, did you just market into that?
00:34:00 TRDfarmer: Not looking for a confirmation bounce?
00:35:46 VapingWithThesis: I’ve been waiting for Matic to at minimum to touch .75 and .47 cents
00:36:48 iPad: Any foundamental news on Hedra??
00:37:41 VapingWithThesis: 5m and 15m time frames have been absolutely flawless
00:37:50 VapingWithThesis: With the head and shoulders on momentum waves
00:38:03 VapingWithThesis: And inverse head and shoulders*
00:39:42 VapingWithThesis: They coincide with double bottoms
00:40:55 VapingWithThesis: They’re some of the most reliable pieces of confluence I’ve used in the past several months
00:41:39 Matthew King: pumpin!
00:42:40 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "pumpin!" with 🦦
00:46:27 Jacob (JP1): my wife literally shrieks if she sees a spider at a distance in the house... lol
00:46:40 Kyle Chisamore: Reacted to "my wife literally sh..." with 🤣
00:47:19 Kyle Chisamore: Replying to "Any foundamental new..."
Nothing fundamental, sorry I read your question wrong, I will look into it though, I want to invest in it again now that we are at these levels
00:47:41 TRDfarmer: I recently learned that spiders legs are hydraulic, that's why they all curl in when you kill them.
00:48:16 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "I recently learned t..." with 🔥
00:48:44 TRDfarmer: We have dock spiders in my neck of the woods and they're terrifying. Biggest spiders we get in Canada I think.
00:48:54 Matthew King: Do you have cane spiders? We had those all over the place in HI
00:49:31 TRDfarmer: 🤣
00:49:48 TRDfarmer: OMG I'm rolling her
00:49:49 TRDfarmer: e
00:50:09 TRDfarmer: Would've been great if thesis capped that spider live on stream
00:50:19 Benjamin B: Reacted to "Would've been grea..." with 😂
00:50:21 Jay (jdobem): I'm so glad this is being recorded for posterity :)
00:50:33 Jay (jdobem): Investishare special edition: spiders
00:51:14 Heidi: I have a pet spider in my bathroom. it eats the skitos
00:51:39 Heidi: yes
00:51:44 Heidi: i named it
00:52:04 Heidi: no
00:52:17 Heidi: there is also a lizard in the bedroom somewhere
00:52:32 TRDfarmer: Thesis, search Amazon for Big A Salt. You need to add it to your arsenal.
00:52:38 TRDfarmer: *Bug A Salt
00:52:53 TheRealAndeddo: we had a medium sized fishing spider in our bathroom that my wife named Fred. He lived there for a couple weeks in the winter until spring came.
00:53:07 TRDfarmer: Rock salt in a 4-10 shell is how we deter cats in the bush
00:53:17 TheRealAndeddo: then he moved outside
00:53:28 TRDfarmer: Dock Spider
00:53:32 TRDfarmer: They're big and terrifying
00:53:38 TRDfarmer: they run on the water
00:53:53 TRDfarmer: and their bite HURTS
00:54:00 TRDfarmer: Like a black wasp sting
00:54:00 Heidi: there is a gator in the pond outside the condo i looked at last week
00:54:03 TRDfarmer: Absolutely can be
00:54:10 lucas salcedo: gn fam
00:54:20 TRDfarmer: They spread their legs out and look like only 4. It's terrible
00:54:24 TRDfarmer: *horrible
00:54:27 Jay (jdobem): no spider pics please
00:54:56 TRDfarmer: matic came and tagged up so I'm in now :)
00:57:41 Matthew King: Reacted to "matic came and tagge..." with ❤️
00:58:47 TRDfarmer: tron and matic following ETH
00:59:21 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "matic came and tagge..." with ❤️
01:01:20 VapingWithThesis: More on the head and shoulders in terms of momentum waves, here is another textbook example
01:01:29 Jacob (JP1): introduce yourself like this is a support group. "Hi, my name is Jacob and I'm addicted to trading"
01:01:32 Jacob (JP1): lol
01:01:41 Heidi: Reacted to "introduce yourself l..." with 🤣
01:01:43 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "introduce yourself l..." with 🤣
01:01:44 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "introduce yourself l..." with 😂
01:01:46 Matthew King: Reacted to "introduce yourself l..." with 🤣
01:01:54 TRDfarmer: Hi Jacob
01:01:58 Heidi: HI jacob
01:02:08 Jacob (JP1): lololol
01:02:14 Melissa: Hello Jacob! 🙂
01:02:14 Jacob (JP1): I feel so supported
01:02:28 Melissa: Reacted to "introduce yourself l..." with 🤣
01:02:28 Melissa: Reacted to "introduce yourself l..." with 😂
01:02:34 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "Hello Jacob! 🙂" with ❤️
01:02:37 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "I feel so supported" with ❤️
01:03:11 TRDfarmer: YES! Stop loss chips 🤣
01:03:25 Matthew King: Reacted to "YES! Stop loss chips..." with 😂
01:03:32 Matthew King: It’s been one day
01:03:46 Kyle Chisamore: Reacted to "It’s been one day" with 🔥
01:03:53 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "It’s been one day" with 🔥
01:03:55 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "It’s been one day" with ❤️
01:04:02 TRDfarmer: It's been 13 days since my last naked trade
01:04:09 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "It's been 13 days si..." with 😂
01:04:11 Jay (jdobem): Reacted to "It's been 13 days si..." with 😂
01:04:14 Matthew King: Reacted to "It's been 13 days si..." with 😂
01:04:31 Kyle Chisamore: Reacted to "It's been 13 days si..." with 😂
01:05:12 Matthew King: sorry guys!
01:08:08 Jacob (JP1): I picked that up to! reasons to NOT trade it
01:08:21 Matthew King: that’s a good way to thinking about it!!
01:08:24 Matthew King: Thanks shim
01:08:52 Qasim: Thanks Shim!
01:12:30 TRDfarmer: volatility!
01:12:55 Matthew King: Reacted to "volatility!" with 💪🏻
01:12:58 VapingWithThesis: Replying to "volatility!"
01:13:10 TRDfarmer: oh nice, I got a better MATIC entry, I'm in a profit! 🤣
01:13:17 Matthew King: Reacted to "oh nice, I got a bet..." with 😂
01:13:18 umop: What was that? ES?
01:13:20 VapingWithThesis: Reacted to "oh nice, I got a bet..." with 🦦
01:13:38 Matthew King: Replying to "What was that? ES?"
I’m curious too!
01:14:06 Matthew King: Reacted to "oh nice, I got a bet..." with 🦦
01:14:18 TRDfarmer: TA isn't perfect
01:14:54 Matthew King: Reacted to "TA isn't perfect" with 💯
01:15:40 TRDfarmer: SOL look like it wants to jump up to 21.20?
01:17:10 Jay (jdobem): so whats the plan for MATIC ? letting it run open ended? or set a TP ? SL is at .8695
I need to go to bed , its 2am here :D
01:20:07 twelvetwelve: dad duties peace out errbody thesis ima call you later
01:20:28 Matthew King: that’s sweet!
01:21:17 TRDfarmer: Everyone calls me Turd Farmer
01:21:17 Kyle Chisamore: Reacted to "dad duties peace out..." with 🍻
01:21:21 Jay (jdobem): thx Kyle
01:21:23 TRDfarmer: It's ok 🤣
01:21:36 TRDfarmer: TRD is theRealDespotic, my old gamer tag
01:21:54 Wagner: was like did he really said turd farmer or is just me
01:22:00 VapingWithThesis: Ohhhh fuck yeah TRD makes way more sense now
01:22:30 TRDfarmer: I've been on some cannabis cultivation streams in the past and that crowd LOVED the Turd moniker
01:22:58 TRDfarmer: I figured they needed my cultivation support if their buds looked like turds 😂
01:24:29 TRDfarmer: Recently saw an article claiming that the US was going to ban short selling? Is that reasonable? Seems like there'd be a LOT of push back
01:25:14 Qasim: Kyle wonder what your reasons were, for cryptos over forex
01:25:46 Wagner: they did ban shorting temporary in 2008 I heard
01:26:30 Qasim: Awesome, thank you!
01:26:35 Wagner: as a "Temporary emergency action" as it writen...
01:26:59 Benjamin B: got in off new daily opening gap
01:27:19 Wagner: they seack about it there in that official site
01:27:25 Wagner: speak*
01:27:36 Heidi: US cant short on binance anyway
01:27:53 umop: What was the (indicator?) that the guy who just left mentioned (ES)? Comparing different traders?
01:29:46 TRDfarmer: current goal is to hit $50k
01:30:00 TRDfarmer: Longer term is $1million in 2026
01:30:23 VapingWithThesis: Mine is to get BTC to sub 13.8k
01:30:24 Matthew King: that’s awesome man!!
01:30:36 Benjamin B: all in meme coins kyle
01:31:15 Wagner: My short goal is doubling my account and get another 10k, then 100k, then 1M
01:31:16 TRDfarmer: launch some nukes perhaps
01:31:24 VapingWithThesis: I was just saying I fucking love you and our family
01:31:29 Matthew King: Reacted to "My short goal is dou..." with 💪🏻
01:31:49 VapingWithThesis: Done. I will befriend him
01:32:20 Wagner: I already have near 10k now kyle
01:32:28 TRDfarmer: Just 10x 3 times
01:32:33 TRDfarmer: no biggie......
01:32:52 Matthew King: negative
01:32:53 TRDfarmer: Link to that bad ass backdrop
01:32:56 Matthew King: thanks kyle
01:33:00 VapingWithThesis: Thank you!
01:33:03 Matthew King: have a get night everyone
01:33:04 TRDfarmer: are those sound panels?
01:33:14 TRDfarmer: *acoustic
01:33:17 VapingWithThesis: Replying to "are those sound pane…"
I can help you with that
01:33:38 TRDfarmer: I'm single now, don't give a fuck about making noise
01:33:44 Heidi: Later gators
01:33:48 TRDfarmer: G'night Shimon
01:33:51 Jacob (JP1): thanks gents
01:33:53 TRDfarmer: Gnight Kyle