April 19th, 2023

Call Chat History

00:03:30 Heidi: Hello ♥️

00:03:40 Heidi: How have you been?

00:06:52 Heidi: He was talking a second ago

00:08:22 TheRealAndeddo: Hmmmm…. did we lose him?

00:08:34 Heidi: his volume went out

00:08:40 Heidi: he was talking before everyone got in

00:09:10 Heidi: No

00:09:14 Qasim: Can't see it yet

00:10:19 Qasim: Hey David. I’ll rejoin again in just a few

00:10:53 TheRealAndeddo: Qasim we are in the hangout in the discord

00:12:30 Heidi: we just bounced off the top of the CME gap from Easter Weekend

00:14:20 XIAN: is there something showing or talking? cant hear or see anything

00:16:50 TheRealAndeddo: XIAN we are in the discord … the hangouts channel

00:17:06 TheRealAndeddo: the audio is here but the screen share is there

00:18:44 Heidi: Nurses just got here to put him to bed. Have to go. Heading home once he is tucked in. Nice hearing your voice, David. ♥️

00:25:20 XIAN: gala pls

00:25:22 Toe Rogan: hey david👋 what did i miss?

i'm in a long on ADA

00:25:42 XIAN: in a long in gala, need some thoughts on it

00:39:16 Crypto Bow Hunter: are you guys screen sharing? because I don't see the chart

00:39:29 Benjamin B: discord

00:39:56 Benjamin B: hangouts

00:55:51 XIAN: an u look at HBAR pls for possible confirmation bounce

01:01:28 XIAN: thanks David

01:04:35 Qasim: Wonder if David already went over ETH, I dropped off for a bit?

01:10:48 TheRealAndeddo: he did

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